Kathleen M Kenney-Riley
- Professor, Nursing

- School of Nursing
- MH 274
- kkenneyriley@mercy.edu
- (914) 674-7582
Dr. Kenney-Riley is a professor of nursing. She teaches in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program and the Master's in Nursing Education. She also practices at a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Children's Hospital at Montefiore Emergency Room. She has over 25 years of teaching, nursing and nurse practitioner experience. She also has several areas of ongoing research. Her first area of research is looking at patient- provider discordance and quality of life in children and teens with Lupus. Her second major area of research is the impact of interprofessional education experiences on faculty and student practice. Dr. Kenney-Riley sits on the Board for Speranza Human Compassion Project, that seeks to train health professionals in mindful care of persons experiencing intimate partner violence.
Teachers College, Columbia University, NY, NY 2010;, Health Education, Nursing & Health Behaviors; EdD
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 1997, Post-masters Certificate in Education
SUNY Stony Brook,, Stony Brook, NY, 1990, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner/Clinical Nurse Specialist
College of Mt. St. Vincent, Riverdale, NY, 1986, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Dr. Kenney-Riley's current research includes:
Patient-Provider discordance in teen's with lupus.
Functional status of adolescents with lupus
Quality of life in adolescents with lupus
Impact of interprofessional education in faculty and student practices
Dr. Kenney-Riley has taught in the Undergraduate Nursing, Nursing Education and Family Nurse Practitioner Programs.
Her courses include
Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning
Introduction to Primary Care
Primary Care I
Primarcy Care II
Primary Care III
John, R. & Kenney-Riley, K. (2022). Care of the child with a possible rheumatologic disorder. In
John, R.M. (Eds). Pediatric diagnostic labs for primary care: An evidence based approach. (pp. 365-412). Springer.
Pearson, G. & Kenney-Riley, K. (2021). Anxiety disorders. In Yearwood, E.L., Pearson G.S. &
Newland, J.A. (Ed.), Child and adolescents behavioral health: A source for advanced practice psychiatric and primary care practitioners in nursing (pp. 173-183). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.
Kenney-Riley, K., Berkowitz, S. S., & Rapoza, K. (2020). Understanding patient-provider
discordance in adolescents with lupus: The role of pain and antidepressant medication use. Health Psychology Open. https://doi.org/10.1177/2055102920977714
Salzhauer Berkowitz, S, Kenney-Riley, K., Rapoza, KA., & Lewis, AN. (2018, Spring). Lupus: Disease Impact on Functioning and the Need for Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling Services. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. 49(1), 23-31.
Rapoza, KA, Kenney-Riley, K., Salzhauer Berkowitz, S., Lewis, AN. & Rosen Reynoso, M. (2017). Lupus in culturally diverse populations: A transdisciplinary model for vocational rehabilitation counseling. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. 48(4), 18-27.
Ilowite NT; Sandborg CI; Feldman BM; Grom A; Schanberg LE; Giannini EH; Wallace CA; Schneider R; Kenney K; Gottlieb B; Hashkes PJ; Imundo L; Kimura Y; Lang B; Miller M; Milojevic D; O'Neil KM; Punaro M; Ruth N; Singer NG; Vehe RK; Verbsky J; Woodward A; Zemel L, (2012). Algorithm development for corticosteroid management in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis trial using consensus methodology. Pediatric Rheumatology. 10(31).
Pearson, G & Kenney-Riley, K. (2012) Anxiety Disorders (chapter) in Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health: A Resource for Advanced Practice Psychiatric and Primary Care Nurse Practitioners. Wiley-Blackwell. Iowa. 2012.
Kenney-Riley, K. (2012) Physical and Psychiatric Assessment Chapter in Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health: A Resource for Advanced Practice Psychiatric and Primary Care Nurse Practitioners. Wiley-Blackwell. Iowa.
Wahezi, D., Ilowite, N., Kenney-Riley, K. & Belamarich, P.F (2011). Chronic
leg ulcers as the presenting feature of systemic sclerosis. Journal of Pediatric. 159(4) 698.
National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Field Initiative Projects-Minority Serving Institutions Research Grant Competition. Discordance between adolescents with Lupus and their providers. (Funded: 2018-2021; $600,000.00)
Institutional Resilience and Expanded Postsecondary Opportunity (IREPO) Grant Program Competition (FIPSE Competitive Grant) (Funded: 2021-2023 $1.5 million)
Mercy University Microgrant. Interdisciplinary Trach Case Simulation Module. (April. 2017). ($5000.00)
Mercy University Microgrant. “Development and Implementation of TEAMSTEPPS initiative for faculty/student interprofessional education.” (Aug. 2016)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Global Health Pilot Project: Implementing PALS in Bangladesh. March 2016.
Childhood Arthritis and Research Alliance, Application for secondary data analysis of CARRA data on teens with SLE, 5/15
Mercy University Microgrant Redesigning Instruction for Inter-Professional Education. 2016-2016 Funded ($2500)
Langston University Rehabilitation Research & Training Center on Research and
Capacity Building for Minority Entities- Research Grant for training in clinical research among minority entities 9/2014- 9/2017 ($150,000)
Laerdel Foundation Grant for CPR Research on Trialect 3/23/15